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DataArt Initiation

Registration Closed Now

Kirell BENZI

Kirell Benzi.jpg

November 2020

November 28th, 15h - 18h20 CET, France.

Kirell Benzi Ph.D. in Data Science Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, France.

Data Science Scientist and Data Science Artist.

Registration Closed

limited Spaces

Workshop by Kirell BENZI

Kirel Benzi Poster Workshop LOW.jpg


In this data art initiation workshop, we introduce powerful yet accessible tools for starting getting creative with data. We first start by reviewing some data basics and rapidly move on to the creation and manipulation of the dataset we will use. The second, and most important, part of the workshop is dedicated to the creation of our first data art piece with Cables, a visual programming language in the browser. While no experience is required in data manipulation or programming, an understanding of data structures will help.



To apply to the workshop, you need to be comfortable with manipulating files on your system, browsing the web and be completely autonomous with your computer/laptop. You have a working microphone and a high-speed internet connection. Your browser needs to support WebGL (Chrome preferred).


You can test it here:


About Kirell Benzi

Dr. Kirell Benzi is a data artist, TEDx speaker and data science researcher. His work shows in an unexpected way, how Big Data can be articulated visually and operate as a visual interpreter between complex phenomena and the human being. He holds a Ph.D. in Data Science from EFPL (Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne) and teaches data visualization at various universities.


DataArt Initiation

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