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The Convergence Sci-Art/Art-Sci Conferences is a series of talks focussed on the crossover of creative disciplines with science, especially arts and communication. Over the years, the talks have explored topics like the influence of media on modern science, scientific-driven artistic practice, the public perception of the scientific method, popular neuroscience misconceptions, artistic technology in the experimental medicine, and humanization of the scientific method.


Would you like to be a speaker for our series? Contact us to discuss your research.

Click in the name to access the talk:



Rackeb Tesfaye

Using Audio to Amplify Inclusive STEM: Lessons from Broad Science.


Cristian Zaelzer
Arte-Ciencia en Comunicación Científica.


François-Joseph Lapointe

You are your Microbiome.


Amanda Dawn Christie

Working with Energy as Material for Creation.


DART Class

SciSymp 2020


Erwin Regler

Biomimicry: A Creativity Technique in Design Education.


Darian Goldin Stahl

Binary ReVisions.





Patrick Cavanagh

The Science of Art and Illusion.


Nicolas Farrugia

BrainSongs: A Live Experiment on Music Improvisation.


DART Class

SciSymp 2019


Fernanda Perez-Gay

Sinapsis: Broadcasting the Cognitive Neuroscience of Art.


Caroline Laurin-Beaucage

Looking Inside to Unfold.


Stefanie Blain-Moraes






Siddharth Ramakrishnan

Informing Each Other: Neurodiversity, Neuroethics, Art, and Public Inquiry.


Bettina Forget

Exploring Wonder: Art, Science, and Creative Inquiry.


Peter Lloyd Jones

The Usefulness of the Useless.


Chloe Soutar

Neuromyths I: Don't Believe Everything You Hear.


Trevor Butterworth

The Sleep of the Reason Produce Monsters: Science and the Scientific Method in Popular Imagination.

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265 Rue Laverendrye

Longueuil, J4G 2S1, QC, Canada.

Tel: +1 438 838-8831

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